Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Previously on Power, we followed the events leading up to the death of James St. Patrick through the eyes of Dre before he was burnt to a crisp in prison. So that scratches him off the list of suspects who could have pulled the trigger delivering the fatal bullet, now it’s Paz’s turn.

Paz Is Still Haunted By Angela’s Death

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Just like Dre last week, Paz is triggered while watching the news with her senile father (who believes she is Angela) when the story of James joining Lorrette Walsh’s campaign to become her lieutenant governor. Paz is beside herself because she does not want to see Ghost sitting in city hall.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Mind you before seeing Ghost on the news,  she is still having nightmares of the moment she went to the hospital after she got the terrible news her sister was fatally shot. In her dream, the place is void of workers, but she eventually encounters James, who is covered in Angela’s blood, and he tells her she is too late to save her sister, forcing her to wake up.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Paz breaks the news to her son, who already knew that they were trying to make “titi’s killer president,” huh? Anyway, he shifts attention to the fact his mom is going through financial issues and because his next tuition check is due. With the death of Angela, Paz has to now take care of their father and as well fund her kid’s college education and needs Angela’s pension to do so, but that is currently up in limbo now that she is dead. With the news Ghost’s political ambitions making its rounds, Paz sets out to make sure that him becoming lieutenant governor doesn’t happen.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

While Paz is out trying to make sure James fails, Jacob Warner is still trying to throw his former employee, Cooper Saxe, in jail. He links up with John Mak, who is back on the scene following Angela pulling some strings and landing him a new gig in Washington D.C., getting him off Ghost’s case. Warner wants some information from him regarding Saxe and his illegal investigation into James and Angela.

Warner threatens to charge Mak with conspiracy along with Saxe, which forces Mak to spit up some information on Cooper. It’s nothing concrete but enough to please Warner, allowing Mak to go back to doing whatever he has been doing since he left for D.C.

Paz Pays A Visit To Every Damn Body!

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Paz’s first person on her tour to stop James is, of course, his ex-wife, Tasha, who is absolutely surprised to see Paz at her front door. Paz wastes no time trying to convince Tasha to join her mission in bringing down James. Tasha tells Paz she would love to make James suffer and lord knows she does, her remaining children suffering would be the collateral damage of James going to jail, and she cannot accept that.

Paz pushes many buttons and tries many angles, but Tasha tells her to listen as much as she hates the man, she just can’t help her and that somehow, someway, James always wins. Paz is fed up, and storms out because now she is desperate and decides to make a snap decision. She heads back home to get a gun that is stored under her bed, she now feels she has to kill Ghost herself.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

She drives over to the apartment and waits for him to show up. When he does, James notices the car, but thinks nothing of it and walks inside the building. Paz grabs her gun and looks like she is prepared to cancel Christmas for James. Paz gets cold feet when an ambulance with its sirens blaring cruises by scaring her back into her car. Paz realizes she isn’t really built for killing people at the moment.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Following her failed attempt to kill Ghost, Paz runs to her sister’s old office to talk to Saxe. She has no idea that Saxe got fired, but she finds out when she bumps into his former boss Jacob Warner. Warner informs her that he kicked Saxe in the direction of the unemployment line. While offering Paz his condolences, Warner promises to get to the bottom of the investigation despite Saxe botching the investigation taking her by surprise.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Paz immediately heads to Saxe’s apartment to find out exactly how he botched the investigation. Saxe tells her that despite all of the things they got on James, the evidence doesn’t indicate that he killed Angela. Paz is not trying to hear it, but he breaks down to her how the autopsy report clears James of murder, and his hands are tied. Despite her constant pushing and reminding him of his promise to her, Saxe doubles down on his stance that James is innocent when it comes to the murder of Angela Valdez.

Paz’s Risky Move Doesn’t Pay Off

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

After a conversation with her son, who only seems to care about his dead aunt’s money, Paz decides that there is one more thing she can do to take down James. She heads back to Warner’s office to tell him about the phone she hid in Angela’s casket that she used to communicate with James. Warner warns her that by doing this, she is risking Angela’s pension because any connection to criminal activity will disgrace her dead sister, nullifying her retirement benefits.

Well, they head to the cemetery and exhume Angela’s casket and find the phone, but that will be all for nothing because the sim card on the phone is no good. They were able to get some of the messages off the phone, but it’s not enough for Warner to bring in James. Paz then comes up with the idea to wear a wire and get James on tape talking crazy.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

We experienced this conversation on the mid-season finale, and now we experience it from Paz’s point of view. While Warner is on the other end listening in, Paz tries her best to get James to say something that Warner can bring him in on. Ghost being the smart criminal that he is was very careful not to say anything too crazy, but he did admit that Angela did help him and his family. That is as far as he goes, Paz’s attempt comes up short but not empty, but will it be enough to bring down James?

Unfortunately for Paz, the answer is no because Warner tells her that he needs names and crimes, and he didn’t get that on tape. He urges Paz not to give up hope because they have a pending case on James, possibly linking him to the murder of Terry Silver. But because Angela does look dirty, Paz can kiss the pension goodbye, and there is nothing Warner can do to help. Paz is not happy about that and runs out after Warner gives her phone, and she sees her son was blowing it up because her dad is in the hospital. Turns out Poppa Valdez had an anxiety attack after her son told him that Angela is dead despite Paz telling him not to say anything.

Paz runs to her job to pick up a hard check to help pay for her father’s hospital stay, and on her way out, she runs into Detective Blanca. She is also is bearing lousy news telling Paz that the other case they had on James didn’t pan out either, leaving them no more options. After the conversation, she heads back to Tasha’s house, where the two come to an understanding with Tasha telling her what Angela did for her and Riq and that she basically owes both Angela and Paz.

Tasha also tells Paz that Ghost has moved on with Ramona, which catches Paz by surprise because he just said to her that Angela was his world, and he would have given his life for hers if he could. Tasha tells her that’s what Ghost does, and he just fed her bullsh*t that sounded good.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

With her new info and learning that Ghost is just a conviving piece of sh*t, she heads to Tommy’s house to call in that favor he promised her. She asks him to take her gun and go kill James, he tells her no despite how he feels about James. All out of options, Paz runs home disappointed and throws herself on the bed, crying herself to sleep.

Paz Has An Epiphany, Learns Who Really Killed Her Sister

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

While she slept, Warner got some new evidence from Blanca in the form of a coerced confession from Dre about witnessing James killing Terry Silver. Warner is a smart cookie and sees right through the evidence and calls out Blanca for being like Saxe. Despite his reservations about the new evidence, he decides to take it to Judge Tapper anyway, a move he will later regret because he was warned by the Democratic Party to back off from Ghost.

Paz wakes up from her tear induced nap to discover that her gun is missing assuming her son took it. She spots him not too far from club Truth and convinces him to go home. Paz takes the gun and heads inside the club to finish the job. Now how in the hell did she get into a private party with a weapon?  Before she tries to assassinate Ghost, she has a conversation with Ramona in the bathroom. Paz tries to convince Ramona how bad James is, but Ramona isn’t trying to hear it. Paz eventually heads to the floor but once again gets cold feet before she kills him and leaves the club.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Disappointed, she heads to the hospital to talk to her father and tells him that she couldn’t go through with it. Her dad finally remembers who she is and tells her a touching story about her name and tells her to stop blaming her self. Feeling a bit at ease, she heads home and wakes up the next day to the news that James was shot and killed. Paz’s son immediately asks her if she was the one who pulled the trigger, and she says no.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Back at Warner’s office, the rep for the Democratic party comes back, and he tells Warner to expect a phone call informing him that he has been fired. The call comes as the rep leaves, so that’s all folks for him.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Paz shows up to talk to Warner, but Blanca informs her of what happened to him. Blanca tells Paz she is gonna try to call in some favors for Angela’s pension, but it’s pretty much a wrap for that. Paz isn’t really there to talk about the benefits, but instead, she wants to put her sister back in the ground.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

After Angela’s casket is put back in the ground, Paz receives an unexpected call. It turns out that Ghost changed his will and put Paz in it, leaving her some money that could really help. He also left Kate, Tommy’s mother, something as well, guess we will have to wait to find out exactly what that is. Anyway, Paz initially turns down the money, but after a discussion with Tasha, she is convinced to take it.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

Tasha also finally tells Paz who killed her sister…Tommy. Paz goes through the motions in her mind replaying the moment she asked Tommy for help, not knowing all this time he was the one who took his sister’s life.

Power, Season 6, Episode 12,

Source: Power / Starz

With her trusty gun in hand she runs to Tommy’s apartment only to discover he has moved out, we are left with a screaming Paz in the middle of the empty loft, and the episode ends. We can now scratch Paz off the suspect list.

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Photo: Power / Starz

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