
The presidency of Donald Trump has long championed domestic racism with related programs and people who do harm to people of color, but the administration took its apparent anti-Black agenda internationally for the events surrounding the opening of the recently relocated U.S. embassy in Israel this weekend.

This time, surprisingly, it didn’t involve Trump himself. Instead, it was his daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, who willingly received a blessing from a rabbi who has made no secret of his disrespect for Black people, according to reports. Ivanka Trump’s title is assistant to the president, and Kushner is a senior adviser to the president.

Yitzhak Yosef, the Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel, performed the blessing Sunday night, Newsweek reported. The religious ritual came less than two months after Yosef compared Black people to monkeys during a sermon on March 18.

The exact word Yosef used was “kushi,” a term “in modern Hebrew [that] has pejorative connotations,” the Times of Israel reported at the time.

The relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has been highly contentious for America abruptly breaking from decades of international tradition with the symbolic move that recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, something that offends Palestinians who long said the city was its own capital.

The Trump administration is known for spinning narratives, but this one seems pretty cut and dry: No one opposed an openly racist rabbi blessing the first daughter and her husband, who are both Jewish.

However, when Women’s March leader Tamika Mallory attended a speech by Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan in February, she was raked across the media coals simply for being in the audience. She would later pen an exclusive op-ed for NewsOne describing her history of building “an intersectional movement that fights for the rights of all people and stands against hatred and discrimination of all forms.”

For historical context, Trump has a rich legacy of discriminating against Black people since well before his upstart life in politics. From preventing Black applicants from living in his properties to questioning where former President Barack Obama was born, Trump’s clear problem with Black people, in general, has been present for decades. That same problem has obviously spread to his daughter and son-in-law, who embraced being blessed by a rabbi who also has spouted off anti-Black rhetoric.


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Even In Jerusalem, The Trump Administration Finds A Way To Embrace Anti-Black Racism  was originally published on

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